Vinyl Day 2023 - Contemporary Conversations: Hip-Hop & the Art of the DJ -Hybrid
Event Details
This program is offered in-person and via live streaming. There are two different venues to attend in-person or live streaming.
Event Details
This program is offered in-person and via live streaming. There are two different venues to attend in-person or live streaming. Check information in the description for details. Sponsored by Friends of the Library, Montgomery County.
Join us for a conversation with Dr. DJ Kuttin Kandi (Anomalies, 5th Platoon) and artist Danny “The Atomic Goofball” Nguyen (Lionz of Zion Breaking Crew).
Born and raised in Queens, NY, Dr. (h.c.) DJ Kuttin Kandi, is internationally known and widely respected as a legendary “People’s Hip Hop DJ Scholar.” Kandi is a Filipinx-Pin[a/x]y-American Writer, Poet, Theater Performer, Educator, Hip Hop Feminist, and Community Organizer for over 25 years. DJ Kuttin Kandi is a Global Hip Hop and Cultural Ambassador by Next Level’s Meridian International Center, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs where Kandi served as a Site Manager for Next Level. Kandi is a Co-Founder and Executive Director of Asian Solidarity Collective (formerly Asians for Black Lives San Diego), the newly launched center, The Asian Advocacy, Community & Action Center (The Action Center) and co-founder of several other local grassroots organizations. Kandi has performed at venues such as the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Lincoln Center, and Madison Square Garden for WNBA’s NY Liberty and has written for several anthologies and blogs. Kandi first gained global reverence by competing in over 30 DJ competitions such as the ITF Championships and Vibe Magazine DJ Championships which eventually led her to being the first femme DJ to compete in the 1998 DMC USA Finals and winning the 1998 Source Magazine DJ Championships. She was the official DJ for the all-female mc crew “Anomalies” and a respected member of the 5th Platoon, a renowned hip-hop turntablist collective.
Known as The Atomic Goofball, Danny Nguyen is an artist and b-boy from the Baltimore/Washington DC area representing the Legendary Lionz of Zion Breaking Crew. He has been competing internationally for over 20 years and appearing in movies such as “Step-up 3D”, and television shows such as “So You Think You Can Dance”. AtomicGoofball is widely known for his unorthodox style of dance, which has been featured across several competitions and entertainment platforms. By applying his experience, Nguygen is trying to give back to the local breaking scene whether it’s by coaching, emceeing, or throwing events. He is the founder of “Soju Think You Can Dance”, an event and experience that pushes dancers to think outside of the box and to inspire fun. He aims to help cultivate creative minds in the dancing and breaking world one smile at a time.
The program will take place at the Brigadier General Charles E. McGee Library and it will also be offered via live streaming.
For registration to attend the program IN-PERSON at the Brigadier General Charles E. McGee Library, please register via the REGISTER button. Seating is limited. The in-person program will take place at the Levine Music Polinger Performance Center (2nd floor of the Brigadier General Charles E. McGee Library building.)
For registration to attend the program via LIVE STREAMING from anywhere, please click HERE.
Registrants for both in-person and via live streaming venues will receive further information as the date for the program approaches.
This Contemporary Conversations program is part of Just for the Record – A Vinyl Day. This family-friendly music festival will occur at the Brigadier General Charles E. McGee Library on August 12, 2023 from 11 am to 6 pm.
This Contemporary Conversations program is co-sponsored by Friends of the Library Montgomery County (FOLMC), Levine School of Music, Mid-Atlantic Scratch League (MASL) and Classroom 2 Community (C2C).
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Accommodation Requests
People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing should request English-language captioning or sign-language interpretation at least five days before the library-sponsored program they plan to attend. Contact the Assistant Facilities and Accessibility Program Manager at 240-777-0002 with all other accommodation requests.
August 12, 2023 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST(GMT+00:00)
Brigadier General Charles E. McGee Library
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