Janice the Griot, Storyteller- virtual
05feb10:00 am10:45 amJanice the Griot, Storyteller- virtualLocation(s)Silver Spring
Event Details
in celebration of Black History Month Why do tigers no longer live in Africa? How did Mama Mouse save her babies
Event Details
in celebration of Black History Month
Why do tigers no longer live in Africa? How did Mama Mouse save her babies from the Cat? Janice the Griot as Harriet Tubman tells African Folktales. Sponsored by Friends of the Library, Silver Spring Chapter.
Join accomplished storyteller, Janice the Griot, as she shares interactive tales from the African and African American experience featuring fun, instruments, puppets, songs and rhymes. Children will hear tales of Anansi the Spider, Bre’r Rabbit and other tricksters while they learn important life lessons. Made possible through the support of the Friends of the Library, Silver Spring Chapter.
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February 5, 2022 10:00 am - 10:45 am(GMT+00:00)
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