Bookstore FAQs

The FOLMC Rockville & Wheaton Bookstores are open for business:


Sunday: 12 – 6PM
Monday: 12 – 6PM
Tuesday: 12 – 6PM
Wednesday: 12 – 6PM
Thursday: 12 – 6PM
Friday: 12 – 6PM
Saturday: 10 – 6PM

Donations accepted until 1 hour before closing(5PM)


Are you accepting donations?

Yes, drop off during open hours only.

Can I get a receipt?

Yes, during normal business hours when you drop off your donation only.

What kinds of donations do you accept?

You can see a full list here.

Do I need an appointment to drop off donations?

No, drop off during our open hours.

Can I still order book bundles?

Yes, order here.

Can I drop off donations at both bookstores?

 Yes, for donations of more than 5 bags or 3 boxes, please drop off only at Rockville Bookstore. Click here for the address.

Is there a limit on how many donations I can drop off?

Yes, for donations of more than 5 bags or 3 boxes, please drop off only at Rockville Bookstore. Click here for the address. Please call ahead of time, (301) 984-3300, to make a larger donation.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

We will continue to monitor public health conditions and will provide updates on our website and on social media.

You can still purchase materials through:



Bookshop – new books – new audiobooks

Or shop our online store for:

Giftcards for your next visit in the bookstore

Book Bundles to receive six – eight (6 – 8) books delivered straight to your home.

  Who We Are

  What We Do

“This place is a real treasure, and everyone who reads or listens to music should come here.” Jeffrey P.