Joint Meeting #1

Joint Meeting #1

18nov6:00 pm7:30 pmJoint Meeting #1Location(s)All Chapters,Board

Event Details

Our Keynote Address will be by Director of Broward County Libraries Division Kelvin Watson, who will speak on the role of libraries in racial equity and social justice. Mr. Watson has made transformative changes in his 3+ years with Broward County leading ambitious and innovative initiatives that have positioned the Broward County Libraries as a community leader.
The Library has streamlined access to resources, introduced new technology, and developed partnerships, along with new collaborative relationships with internal agencies and external organizations. Additionally, the Florida Library Association (FLA) has recognized Broward County Libraries as the 2020 Library of the Year and named Mr. Watson 2019 Librarian of the Year.
The program also features an annual State of the Library Address from MCPL Director Anita Vassallo.
Library advocates are invited to learn about the County Council’s FY21 Savings Plan, which includes $43.8 million in Operating Budget reductions and $28.3 million in Capital Improvements Program (CIP) saving for a total reduction of $72.1 million, by clicking here.
In addition, the Office of Legislative Oversight Montgomery County (OLO) has put together a report on the Changing Nature of Libraries, which details the usage levels of the various library services, who is most likely to use the libraries, and ways to reach out to segments of the population who may be underserved by libraries. You can access this report by clicking here.
Newly appointed Montgomery County Chief Administrative Officer, Richard Madaleno, is also scheduled to be in attendance.
A meeting link will be sent to registrants prior to the meeting.




November 18, 2020 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)



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